söndag 25 mars 2012

santa caterina market.

Här bor & jobbar arkitekten Benedetta Tagliabue och hennes man/kollega; Så sjukt coolt ställe!
Älskar de grafiska kontrasterna i ytor, material och mönster..

This is the home & studio of architect Benedetta Tagliabue and her husband/colleague; The coolest place!
Love the graphic contrasts in both surfaces, materials and patterns..

via iiiinspired (read more at dwell)

4 kommentarer:

  1. Tja, där hade man väl stått ut ett tag..! ;-)

  2. Beautiful home, I have the magazine that have that article and the house is amazing, have a great day!.

  3. Look at these tiles on the floor! And the ruined walls! This place is more of a living gallery than a home!


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