fredag 18 november 2011


Jag gillar Fredagar & jag gillar denna bildsamling.

I love Fridays & I love this collection of pics.

all pics from nouvelle-nouveau

7 kommentarer:

  1. Fin samling av bilder her også du ;) Den svart-hvite tegningen i forrige innlegg var også herlig. Det finnes mye svart-hvitt rundt omkring for tiden, og takk for det. God helg!!

  2. Hej Johanna!

    that's what I do as well when arriving at home after work: I take of my shirt and hang it over the back of chair... looks exactly like in your first photograph, though the floor of my room is brown and I don't have curtains in front of my windows.


    Honestly I must say that especially on Friday's I try to think or live more colourfully; it's more on Monday morning's that my life seems to be mainly in black or white.

    Although the collection of black and white pictures is great, I wish you a more colourful weekend!


  3. Finfina bilder! Ha en fin Fredag.

  4. gudars skymning !
    den här samlingen missade
    jag ju helt sist .. hur kunde jag ?! :)

    det här diggar jag. till tusen.

  5. Some of the other posts from Nouvelle/Nouveau can be found here-

  6. Kvinnan som lade upp bilderna på tyvärr avled i 2013.
    Hennes historia är en konstig, hennes gravplats kan ses här


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