tisdag 25 oktober 2011

window still life.

Njutbart och fridfullt stilleben.

Enjoyable and peaceful still life.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Jag älskar såna fönster, och ljuset! Det ser så lugnt och vilsamt ut.

  2. Hi Johanna,

    there was not too much time to be inspired within the recent weeks. So today I enjoy strolling / browsing through the internet during the lunch break to find some ... ???

    Or: I stop browsing and go outside in the autumnal sun - feel yourself inspired by a (hopefully) great autumn weather!

    Regards from sunny (Southern) Germany,


  3. The midday sun was definitely the much better alternative compared with sitting in front of the computer screen... ;-)

    Sunny regards,


  4. So that's were the sun was, Uwe ;)
    Can you please send it to the southerns parts of Sweden for tomorrow?



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